Birdy Grey is committed to making our customers’ shopping experience as satisfying and user-friendly as possible. That means making our site — www.birdygrey.com — accessible for people of varying abilities. If you are having difficulty viewing or navigating our site, or you notice any content, feature, or functionality that you believe is not fully accessible to yourself or others, please reach out to our technology team at tech@birdygrey.com. Your feedback helps us identify problems and make our site a more fun and drama-free place for everyone, so please do reach out!
Keep reading to find out more about the steps we take to improve accessibility on our site.
Keep reading to find out more about the steps we take to improve accessibility on our site.
Measures to support accessibility
Blue Jay Beach Inc. takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of Birdy Grey:
Include accessibility throughout our internal policies.
Integrate accessibility into our procurement practices.
Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities.
Employ formal accessibility quality assurance methods.
Actively test with persons with disabilities.
Conformance status
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. Though we are constantly working to become a more inclusive and accessible brand, Birdy Grey is currently rated as partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Although we acknowledge that not all parts of our site fully conform to accessibility standards, we are actively working toward compliance and making improvements to provide a more accessible experience to all of our users.
We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of Birdy Grey — seriously, it helps us improve! Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on Birdy Grey:
E-mail: tech@birdygrey.com
Postal Address: 210 E. Olympic Blvd. #300B Los Angeles, CA 90015
Technical specifications
Accessibility of Birdy Grey relies on the following technologies to work with as many web browsers, assistive software, or other plugins installed on your computer:
These technologies help us conform with the accessibility standards!
These technologies help us conform with the accessibility standards!
Limitations and alternatives
Despite our best efforts to ensure accessibility of Birdy Grey, there are some places where we run into limitations that prevent our site from being 100% accessible. Below is a running list of accessibility hiccups that our team has identified. Please contact us if you observe an issue not listed below.
Known limitations for Birdy Grey:
Product reviews from users: Uploaded review photos may not have text alternatives because our reviews provider does not presently offer text alternatives. We are working with our reviews provider to ensure this feature is on their roadmap. Please reach out to us if this issue is affecting your shopping experience.
Live shopping videos: Uploaded live shopping videos may not have captions. We are working to reshoot all of our live shopping videos to ensure that they all have captions. Please reach out to us if this issue is affecting your shopping experience.
Known limitations for Birdy Grey:
Assessment approach
Blue Jay Beach Inc. assessed the accessibility of Birdy Grey by the following approaches:
External evaluation - we partnered with an external vendor to get a third party evaluation of our site against WCAG 2.1 Level A and AA standards. We also performed additional testing with individuals with disabilities.